Other Leagues: Post 4 – Who to follow

As my previous blog posts have stated there is not much media that covers the particular niche in the football world that I am planning to cover.  However there are some sites and people, who/that when linked together will provide a competent view of the world of Europe’s other leagues. Following is a list of websites and Twitter handles that I believe provide good information about the other leagues of Europe.

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Portable News

I recently got a smartphone.

Now I have facebook, twitter, youtube, and emails all in the palm of my hand. It is very convenient, it’s utterly fantastic… but mostly it is thoroughly distracting.  I find myself all the time checking everything, replying to meaningless topics and other such things that are really not important. Continue reading

New Age Uni Assessments

As a current day university student I feel as though I am quite qualified to talk about what a current day university student goes through when coming towards the end of the semester.  The end of the semester is when a lot of the major assignments/assessments are due and so is usually the busiest and most stressful time for students.  As such, when things are planned ‘badly’ it is a monumental pain in the #$@. Continue reading

Twitter and Me

This year in my Sports Media degree we have been learning a lot about today’s social media and how it can be used for journalistic purposes.  Basically all this means is we are now using Twitter in all of our classes.

Our lecturer and serial Tweeter, Julie Posetti, is the one who has sold Twitter as a means of finding information and selling our product to the social world.  I, and a lot of my fellow students, have really enjoyed the experience, and if anything I now have an information overload. She definitely believes in the power of twitter as a journalistic tool however, this quote from her website j-scribe.com shows how passionate she is about it.

And if one more journalist says to me “But Twitter isn’t journalism!” I may be tempted to stab myself in the eye with a fork. Continue reading